Saturday, July 31, 2010
One of those dumb moments
I honestly can't remember if I have blogged about this before. But when we were in Uganda, I didn't have access to large amounts of water. We were staying with our friend in a very poor part of town. So I basically didn't wash my hair for the two weeks we were there. If you don't wash your hair for two weeks, it does some amazing things. Mine decided that it was going to be curly. This is something that I have never noticed here in the states. When I was a very little girl, I had a crop of white blonde hair that curled into what would almost be the equivalent of a fro, but as I got older, I lost the curl, and the color, and it has been straight ever since. Two weeks ago I went to get it highlighted, and after she had rinsed the color out, she asked me if I always blow dry it out straight, or if I ever let it go curly. It was one of those embarassing moments, where I had to admit, well you know, when we were on a trip it did get really curly, but since I only wash my hair a couple of times a week (they swear it is better for you!) and that I immediately blow dry it so I can put it into a pony, I haven't really ever noticed that it was curly before. She ended up using a diffuser on it for the first time in my life. When she was finished and had me look in the mirror, I could not believe that it was myself looking back at me. I have always said that I wish I had curly hair. Now, I feel like a moron that I actually have curly hair and didn't know it. Talk about a dumb moment. To be fair, since my son was born three years ago, I have had extremely short hair, just about 2 inches every where except for longer pieces in the front, so I wouldn't have known at that length. The hairdresser said it probably became curly after my son was born if I never noticed it before then. I have to admit, I am loving it! It is super fun, but super thick, and much hotter on my neck when it is all curly, but I am over the moon about it! I will try to post a before and after picture so you can see what I am talking about! My hubby likes it, but thinks it is more than slightly funny that I have lived for so long without knowing. Apparently, it is very common for people's hair to change over time, especially after they have had children. Still, I consider myself fairly smart and observant, so this is one of those things where I had to pause and say "really, you missed this Jess?"
My hair is curly so long as I wash it infrequently and never brush it, save for a wide-tooth pick. :)