Thursday, September 27, 2012


Well, Ava started public school today.  I know I said that I was going to give it the rest of the week, but after another 2+ hour math morning I made the decision, and I think it was the right one.

We met her teacher today who seems very lovely and I had a list of everything that we have done thus far and she seemed pleased and confident that Ava isn't really behind.  Good to know.  Apparently, Ava will be the talk of the day because every little kid was talking in the hallways about how Ava was back.  I told her to be prepared to have to tell everyone today why she came back.  She told me she had three words for them to explain "brother, sister, annoying".  I told her that would work.

Hopefully, I will be able to blog somewhat regularly now that I have a lot more time.  Plus my laundry will get done and my house will be cleaner now that I am not devoting 3-5 hours a day teaching school.  I have to admit that after we came home I looked at the kidlets and wondered what in the world we were going to do all morning.

Let's see, on another note I read an article in Town and Country about narcissism.  (doesn't that just strike you funny and ironic?!)  Probably I should give the definition of narcissism: Excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. It made me laugh, mostly because I agreed with almost everything they said about it.  I have lamented my disdain of Facebook before, and in the article they said "There are, or course, the plentiful and inane facebook status updates...It's nearly a cliche to say this now, but these frequent missives, taken together, offer a vast send up of the good life; they are more often tiny wishes sent into cyberspace then they are details culled from our lives."  Seems to be fairly accurate.  And then there was this statement "Then there is the confusing use of Twitter.  Is it meant to be a marketing tool?  A life coach?  A cry for help?"  Not a user of twitter, I have often wondered this myself.

social media narcissism

And then we get to this one "And there are the ever multiplying blogs, assuring us that there will never be a single moment of unnarrated life out there".  Okay, so that one struck home a little more seeing that I, do in fact, blog.  But I hadn't really thought about it like that before.  Originally we started it as a journey of our adoption, and then that came and went and I kept going.  I haven't given much thought to why, although I do enjoy writing things down and use it almost like a journal, albeit it one that others can read.  And I would definitely agree that it can lead to narcissistic thought, especially if one is extremely concerned with comments and things like that.  But I do not write it to hope that others like me or what I have to say.  Mostly I think it is a good way to let family and friends know what is going on in life, and I have to say that it is fun to be able to talk about what I like/dislike in a public way that puts me in touch with others who may feel the same and I otherwise may have not been able to reach.  Perhaps I will have to ponder narcissism and my life for awhile"!

Now I should probably figure out what to do with my extra 4 hours of time today.  Probably laundry, as I truly believe that I have about 6 loads waiting to be done....

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