Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Birds

A little sparrow made a nest in the branches of a bush I have on the side of our house. Inside were 4 perfect little eggs. This has been a hobby of mine the last couple of weeks. I check every morning to see if any of the eggs had hatched. Two weeks ago, the first one did. I don't know if you have ever seen a newborn bird, but man are they ugly. This small pile of pink skin and bones and this huge area which is their still undeveloped eye. A few days later, three of the four birds had hatched. It became my routine to check on them a couple of times a day. I wanted to make sure that they were all still there, and to see them grow. At first I would make the parents panic (they take turns sitting on the nest, how neat is that?!), but I think they got so used to me that when I would come to look, they would just hop to a dift. part of the the bush and look at me. Last week, when I came out to look, one of the babies was missing. They were still teeny, tiny, but three in that little nest was too many, and one fell out. I searched and searched, but didn't see it. It really made me sad. Over the next week, I watched the other two grow and get super cute. I literally checked on them 5-6 times a day. A few days ago, I looked and there was only one. There was no way that she had flown away, so in a panic I started looking for her. About 20 minutes later, I found her under a flower further down in the garden. I placed her back in the nest, and went into the house. 20 minutes later I peeked and she was still there. The next day, both gone again. Now, I know that this is all part of nature. If a nest is too small to hold the babies, they will fall out. It's life, and I do understand that. But, I had gotten attached to these little birds. After searching my yard for about an hour, I found them both. I placed them in a small box, and put it into the tree. The parents came back to the box and continued to feed them for a couple of days. I would check to make sure that they were still there, and okay. They had almost all of their feathers, and were adorable. I imagine given 4-5 more days they would fly away. Yesterday, I checked in the morning, and left for a meeting. When I came back, the box was out of the tree, and the parents were going crazy with their chirpping noises. They were flying all over the place and I have never heard them so noisy. I probably spent an hour looking for the birds. I couldn't find them. Then I went in the house and watched the parents from the window to see if they were landing in any particular spot in the yard. I had seen them do this before, and that was how I found the babies the first time they fell out. The parents hear them chirp and go to them. This time, the parents didn't land at any particular spot. I went back out again to look for them, and still nothing. A little while later, the parents left our yard. The babies were gone. They were not old enough to fly. I had watched the one try to flutter around a little bit that morning, but it wasn't time yet. I don't know what happened to them, and it may sound silly, but I grieved for these little birds that I watched get big, and put back into the nest when they fell out. It was such a neat experience to see and be a part of. And then last night, I remembered a bible verse:

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" Matthew 6:25

I was attached to these birds, and when the first one fell out and died (we later did find the little body), I was sad. When the two healthy ones disappeared, I called my husband because I was upset. But my feelings both loving and sad for the birds, are nothing compared to what God feels for us as his children. I can't even begin to understand the sorrow he must feel at those who choose not to accept his love, at those who turn away from Him. I am just as guilty of not always accepting Him and following His ways as anyone else. Christians are not exempt from hurting Him. We make mistakes, we choose to do things we know aren't right. We all sin.

My sorrow for those birds wasn't even on the radar scale of what God feels for us. God created all life, and I don't think that feeling sad for those little birds was wrong. But my grief at their loss, should not overshadow, or come close to the grief I feel when people die and haven't commited themselves to God. Everyday there are people who die that have chosen to go their own way. Everyday people turn away from him for various reasons. I am convicted. God loves each and every person on this planet- the child, the mom, the husband, the murderer, the rapist, the Buddhist, the Muslim, the atheist. He loves ALL of us. Have you really stopped and considered that before? That band that you can't stand the music? Loves them. That person who really drives you batty? Loves them. All those prisoners on death row? Loves them. Perhaps a family member who really hurt you? Loves them. He loves us all. What an amazing thing. I truly cannot comprehend it. There is no one in my life that can love me completely like that. No one that loves me regardless of the faults and all the things that I have done, and yet will do. And there is no one in this world that will love you that much. Ever. No one, but Jesus.

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