Monday, September 16, 2013

The New Bathroom

It's here!  Technically, we can't use it yet because we are sealing the grout.  So we let everyone pee in it once or twice, and now we will all have to stay out for up to 3 days while the sealer dries.  And we don't have trim up yet or the heater plate in, but still it's here.  I have to admit the first day it was all decorated I must have gone down to look at it 6 or 7 times.

Small bathrooms in spaces without windows are hard to take pictures of, so you'll have to just trust me when I say it looks waaaayyy better in person.

Here we go!



Looking in from the door

Another shot from the door

Trying to give all the views

Left side of the room

Close up of London map above toilet

Towel rack and faux butterfly taxidermy

Close up of faux taxidermy made with a shadow box and a calendar.

cute boy in the bathroom

So there you have it.  I must say that I am more than thrilled to finally have more than one bathroom for 7 people.  This is a total game changer for our family!