Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Plant Based Diet Week 2

I should have posted this last Friday, but we were out of town, so you will probably get two posts like this this week.

Week 2 went okay.  Overall I am down 4 pounds, so I finally lost my "Montana weight".  Not too bad for two weeks!  But I did end up cheating a bit.  At the end of week 1 I was so bloated with gas and in a lot of pain.  Even more pain then when I ate an entire pound of brussel sprouts by myself about a year ago and blogged about that.  I truly looked how I do at about 5 months pregnant, which meant a whole lot of stretchy pants, and since I don't really own stretchy pants I was walking around the house in large t-shirts of my hubby's and sometimes his sweatpants which he doesn't like that I do that because they are too long and I step on the ends of them and make them ratty.

Anyway, so I cheated by eating chicken and some other meat, but I still didn't really have any processed foods, and the majority of my diet was plant based.  It seemed to help a lot to get something else in my system as far as gas and bloat, but then maybe I was starting to get used to it too.  But then I also cheated last weekend where we were staying for the funeral.  It is super hard to eat this diet at someone else's home, especially if they are inclined to not eat veggies.

I did have processed foods twice.  One time for supper I had noodles and I had cereal one morning.  As soon as I started putting that stuff back in my system I could feel it, I swear.  My blood sugar also crashed later that day and that hadn't happened since I had started the diet.

I have found that the easiest way to stick to this diet is to have some type of meal that you really love to fall back on.  Lunch is the hardest meal of the day for me even when I am not restricting what I eat.  For some reason I just can't seem to get it together for this meal.  My fall back for lunch is tabouli.  I continue to make this a lot.  I didn't eat it much last week, but have started up again.  It's fairly quick and super yummy.  And then I don't have to stare in my fridge wondering what will magically materialize that I didn't see before.  Also, I eat a lot of strawberries because they are in season right now, and therefore cheap.

Some people say that they notice their fingernails and hair stop growing as quickly because of the lack of meat.  I haven't noticed anything in this department because my nails take forever to grow, and although my hair typically grows fast, I haven't had time to take notice of it.

That's it for week 2!

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