Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have to admit, this past week without kids has been good for me. It has helped me recharge my system. I am super grateful for my parents' willingness to want to take our children for some time during the summer. My friends constantly remind me how lucky I am that they do this. And believe me, I do realize it.

This morning I got to sleep in until 7:00 with no interruptions. Plus I slept like a rock, which is something I don't typically do. Heaven. I came home from a Bead for Life party my friend's mom hosted for me, and had one of those big reflection moments. I paused for a moment, (because no one was asking for me!), and I realized, my life is pretty darn amazing. Do you know how glad I am that I can say that? I am not trying to make it sound like I am some totally spectacular woman who has it all together, because I don't, but my life is good. I have a husband who loves me, great kids, we have work and a house (not huge at all, but I like it and it fits our needs), food, and anything else we could ever need. Note I said need, not want. There are definitely things in my life that I want, but more than likely will never get. And you know what? I am okay with that.

LOVE it that I can type all of the above stuff and mean it.

So, in honor of loving life, I am going to list 10 things I am loving right now. (In no particular order.)

1. That I can go to a movie by myself.

2. Brussel sprouts for supper with no complaining (man I love them!)

3. No children fighting (maybe at Grandma's but not here!)

4. Reading book after book after book....

5. Taking a shower without a little head popping in the curtain wondering what I am doing, hmm, I thought it was self evident.

6. free date nights with hubby, no childcare to pay for

7. okay, this one might be flaunting it a little bit- watching my friends deal with their naughty children and knowing I don't have to!

8. eating candy and chocolate without trying to hide the fact from my kids that I am doing so

9. trying on clothes in a dressing room- by myself!

10. staying in my jammies because I have zero obligations but myself. And if I want to watch movies all day I can, I don't, but I could!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!!! Sounds like heaven! My mom is on the opposite side of the country so no chance of that for me I am afraid. And I am so with you on the Brussel Sprouts-I love them but never eat them because everyone else won't. Have fun and have a sleep in and a Brussel sprout for me, would you?
