Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Favorite Blogs

All right, since I've got nothing for a Turn Me On Tuesday,  I thought I would share these fun blogs, and sorry, some of then are repeats but that just means they are worth reading!

1.  House Tweaking  Decorating blog by a hip young mom of 3, their last baby just born a surprise, while remodeling a new-old home.

2.  Sawdust and Embryos  Okay, so I know the name is a little strange, but they're a couple who have a fun blog for DIY, and had their twins through IVF.

2. Young House Love  The "It" couple of DIY home stuff.  Love them and they post twice a day!

3. Capitol Hill Style  Fashion blog by woman who works on Capitol Hill, super snarky, I love it.

4. A Little Glass Box  Lots of fun DIY projects, her son is adorable.

5. Michaela Noelle Designs  Sweet, young designer with one year left of college.

6. Life in the Fun Lane  Canadian decorating blog by a young mom.

7. Stuff Christians Like  Hilarious stuff.  Trust me, you will want to read it.

Hope you enjoy some of these, and if you know of any good ones that I should be checking out, please leave them in the comments!

PS- I think my kids are going stir crazy because Owen is playing "chrysallis", where he wraps himself up in a blanket and pretends that he is a butterfly coming out of his cocoon.  I think school is going to be very good for him!  Two weeks until school starts, I have officially started my countdown!

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