Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Too Tired to Clean

The last week has been exhausting for me.  Hubby repeatedly asks if I am okay and if I need to go and talk to someone.  Not a good sign.

And then yesterday, two men from the local energy company show up at my door to tell me that our gas meter has to be changed out.  They do it once every 20 years.  I happened to be asleep on the couch with Owen when they knocked.  What are the odds that someone would show up at the door and need to work on our house on the one day in the last 4 months I get to nap?  At least they didn't hit the doorbell and wake the other kids up.

So then I tried to go back to sleep, but I had to pee and I had to forget about napping anymore.  And then 5 minutes later they knock again.  This time they have to come in the house to restart the pilot light in our water heater.  I think I almost panicked.  I was in a white t-shirt, no bra and blue bermuda shorts.  My house was seriously the worst it has ever been in probably months.  There are toys spread all over the floor, and an empty beer can on one of the coffee tables in the living room. I have three babies in diapers and a kid passed out on the living room couch.  You couldn't see the kitchen counters because they were filled with all sorts of crap, the table was covered in filth, and the floor had huge marks all over it from dirty kids with bare feet.  Plus there was some smell coming from the sink area that I hadn't been able to identify or find yet.

And bonus, he actually had to go downstairs to the hoarder basement as well.  Now I was feeling a little bit better because I had worked on cleaning it but then I remembered that there was dirty underwear and dishrags that I had just tossed down the steps that I was going to "deal with later" and no lying, about 12 loads of laundry piled up right next to where he needed to go.

I seriously called Chris the instant they left and explained the entire scenario.  To which he responded that I will probably never see them again and not to think about it.  Meanwhile, I am praying with all my might that they don't call social services to come out and check on us.





WARNING! Swearing in the below picture.  But I had to post it because sometimes I feel like this is my life.


  1. Agree with that last is really demoralizing to spend all day cleaning and then have someone pee all over the bathroom, dump a box of rice krispies in the kitchen, and scatter legos across the bedroom floor within ten minutes of finishing!

  2. Definitely the pee in the bathroom has got to be one of the worst. We have a sit down policy, but still, Owen has managed to pee between the crack of the seat and the base and get it all over the floor. Totally depressing!
